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"The Gentle Royal" | Head Elder Alex Clerk

"The Gentle Royal" | Head Elder Alex Clerk

Scripture Reading Matthew 11:28-30 NKJV Sermon Title "The Gentle Royal" Greetings Beloved Congregation and Friends of Palo Alto Adventist Church, The gentleness of Christ is beautifully described in Matthew 11:28-30, where Jesus says: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” In this tender passage, Jesus invites all who are weary and burdened to come to Him for rest. He promises soul-deep peace, as He offers freedom from the weight of life’s struggles and sin. Unlike the harsh demands of the world, Jesus, who is gentle and lowly, provides an easy yoke and a light burden. This message calls us to trust Him, surrender our burdens to a gentle Savior and experience true rest through His grace and love. Join us this Sabbath as we come together to worship and grow in faith. 🌐 Register for our Live Zoom Webinar: 🔔 Stay connected with us on our journey of faith: 📺 Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: 🌐 Visit our Website: 📘 Follow our Facebook page: 📸 Follow us on Instagram: God Bless You, Happy Sabbath & Have a Great Week! SUBSCRIBE to Palo Alto Adventist Church of Seventh-day Adventists on YouTube.
"The Transformation of Peter" Part 2 of 2 | Elder Bert Williams

"The Transformation of Peter" Part 2 of 2 | Elder Bert Williams

Sermon Title "The Transformation of Peter"--Part Two Greetings Friends in Christ, Peter was an utterly broken man after his multiple denials of Christ. In fact, there is reason to believe that the faith of all the disciples had been completely extinguished with the death of Jesus. Beginning on Sunday morning that faith slowly began to rekindle and, although Peter could hardly believe it, Jesus made it clear that he was fully reinstated in the group. But that is nothing compared to what happened next. On the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended on the small group of believers, the transformation was remarkable. Peter, previously the bumbling fisherman who meant well and utterly failed in his attempt to follow Jesus, was transformed into a powerful preacher of the gospel, and a prominent leader of the fledgling group of believers. This transformation is exemplified in the sermons Peter preached in the weeks and months following Pentecost. Let us give special consideration to those sermons this Sabbath morning. Join us this Sabbath as we come together to worship and grow in faith. 🌐 Register for our Live Zoom Webinar: 🔔 Stay connected with us on our journey of faith: 📺 Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: 🌐 Visit our Website: 📘 Follow our Facebook page: 📸 Follow us on Instagram: God Bless You, Happy Sabbath & Have a Great Week! SUBSCRIBE to Palo Alto Adventist Church of Seventh-day Adventists on YouTube.
"Peter: Finding the Messiah" Part 1 of 2 | Elder Bert Williams

"Peter: Finding the Messiah" Part 1 of 2 | Elder Bert Williams

Scripture Reading John 1:35-41 Sermon Title "Peter: Finding the Messiah" Greetings Friends in Christ, This Sabbath morning and next Sabbath morning we will consider the life of Simon Peter. In the first part, this Sabbath, we will have the opportunity to think about some of Peter’s experiences from the time he met Jesus until the time of Jesus’ trial. It wasn’t long after they first met that Jesus borrowed Simon’s boat as a pulpit, talking to a large crowd on the shoreline. After the crowd had dissipated, Jesus told Simon to push away from the shore and drop his net into the water. The catch was huge, nearly sinking both Simon’s and his brother Andrew’s boats. It is likely that Jesus and the twelve disciples spent a lot of time in Simon’s house in Capernaum. Miracles were performed there, and also simple life together—arguments, laughter, praying, and singing together. After the group traveled around Galilee for more than two years—with Jesus preaching many sermons, performing many miracles, Jesus begins to share darker words—words about what His own end will be, but also His resurrection. It seems the crowds, as well as the disciples, somehow don’t hear what He says about being resurrected—only that He will be killed. The crowds begin to quickly evaporate. It is in this dark time that Jesus and the disciples share the upper room experience. Then comes Gethsemane, and Jesus’ arrest. Simon, who claimed he was willing to die for Jesus, proves weak and untrustworthy, despite his best intentions. He is broken by the experience. Part 2: next Sabbath morning Join us this Sabbath as we come together to worship and grow in faith. 🌐 Register for our Live Zoom Webinar: 🔔 Stay connected with us on our journey of faith: 📺 Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: 🌐 Visit our Website: 📘 Follow our Facebook page: 📸 Follow us on Instagram: God Bless You, Happy Sabbath & Have a Great Week! SUBSCRIBE to Palo Alto Adventist Church of Seventh-day Adventists on YouTube.
A Language From God | Head Elder Clerk

A Language From God | Head Elder Clerk

Scripture Reading Psalms 19:1-6 NKJV Sermon Title "A Language From God" Greetings, Dear Friends in Christ, Language is any system of formalized symbols, signs, sounds, gestures, or the like used or conceived as a means of communicating thought, emotion, etc. as in the language of mathematics or sign language. Psalm 19:1-6 shows that creation speaks a universal language — the heavens, sun, and skies declare God’s glory without words. This silent testimony is God’s way of revealing Himself to humanity. Just as creation speaks of His majesty, communion speaks of His grace. The bread and cup are symbols of Christ’s sacrifice, a language from God that we must learn to fully grasp His love. 🌐 Register for our Live Zoom Webinar: 🔔 Stay connected with us on our journey of faith: 📺 Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: 🌐 Visit our Website: 📘 Follow our Facebook page: 📸 Follow us on Instagram: God Bless You, Happy Sabbath & Have a Great Week! SUBSCRIBE to Palo Alto Adventist Church of Seventh-day Adventists on YouTube. Thank You for your continued support. Help us continue our mission to create meaningful media. You can donate today by using the link below and at the top specify if it’s a “one-time donation” or “recurring donation” and then below in the box next to “Media Ministries” put the amount you’d like to donate: SUBSCRIBE to Palo Alto Adventist Church of Seventh-day Adventists on YouTube.
"Be Thou Perfect" | Head Elder Alex Clerk

"Be Thou Perfect" | Head Elder Alex Clerk

Scripture Reading Genesis 17:1-5 KJV Greetings, Dear Friends in Christ, As we come to the close of another year, let us reflect on the powerful words of Genesis 17:1-5, where God says to Abram: “I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless.” These words serve as a timeless reminder for us as we prepare to step into a new year. The Lord appeared and said: 1. My name is “Almighty God” (El Shaddai) to emphasize His unmatched power and sufficiency. Such a statement reminds us that no matter how impossible life’s circumstances may seem, God’s power is enough to fulfill His promises. 2. “Walk before Me” to signify a life lived in constant awareness of God’s presence. This is an invitation to deeper communion with God, characterized by trust, obedience, and alignment with His will. 3. “Be thou perfect”, or “Be blameless” to challenge us to pursue a life of holiness, not perfection by human standards, but sincerity and wholehearted devotion to God. He comes in to say the same thing to us today. I am the Almighty God, Walk Before Me, Be Thou Perfect as we bring this year to a close and start another. 🌐 Register for our Live Zoom Webinar: 🔔 Stay connected with us on our journey of faith: 📺 Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: 🌐 Visit our Website: 📘 Follow our Facebook page: 📸 Follow us on Instagram: God Bless You, Happy Sabbath & Have a Great Week! SUBSCRIBE to Palo Alto Adventist Church of Seventh-day Adventists on YouTube. Thank You for your continued support. Help us continue our mission to create meaningful media. You can donate today by using the link below and at the top specify if it’s a “one-time donation” or “recurring donation” and then below in the box next to “Media Ministries” put the amount you’d like to donate: SUBSCRIBE to Palo Alto Adventist Church of Seventh-day Adventists on YouTube.
The Peace Christ Gives | Head Elder Alex Clerk

The Peace Christ Gives | Head Elder Alex Clerk

Scripture Reading Matthew 14:25-28 NKJV Sermon Title "The Peace Christ Gives" Greetings, Dear Friends in Christ, This Sabbath, we have the story of Jesus walking on the water toward His disciples in the midst of a storm. The disciples, terrified at first, were calmed by Jesus’ words: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” In this moment, Jesus brought peace, not by removing the storm, but by stepping into it with His presence. This story reminds us that the peace Christ gives is not the absence of trouble but His presence in the midst of it. At Christmas, we celebrate the Prince of Peace who came into a world of turmoil to bring hope and calm to every heart. Just as Jesus reassured the disciples on the stormy sea, He reassures us today—His peace is constant, unshaken by the storms of life. 🌐 Register for our Live Zoom Webinar: 🔔 Stay connected with us on our journey of faith: 📺 Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: 🌐 Visit our Website: 📘 Follow our Facebook page: 📸 Follow us on Instagram: God Bless You, Happy Sabbath & Have a Great Week! SUBSCRIBE to Palo Alto Adventist Church of Seventh-day Adventists on YouTube. Thank You for your continued support. Help us continue our mission to create meaningful media. You can donate today by using the link below and at the top specify if it’s a “one-time donation” or “recurring donation” and then below in the box next to “Media Ministries” put the amount you’d like to donate: SUBSCRIBE to Palo Alto Adventist Church of Seventh-day Adventists on YouTube.
"The Baby Emmanuel" | Head Elder Alex Clerk

"The Baby Emmanuel" | Head Elder Alex Clerk

Greetings, Dear Friends in Christ, 22 So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying: 23 “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.” - Matthew 1:22-23 NKJV The title Immanuel, meaning “God with us,” reveals a profound truth about Jesus’ mission and identity. In Matthew 1:22-23, the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled: God became flesh, dwelt among humanity, and entered our broken world to bring hope and redemption. The baby called Immanuel assures us that God is not distant or detached. Through Jesus, He stepped into the human experience—our joys, pains, and struggles. He is not a God who watches from afar but one who walks alongside us, offering comfort and guidance. The coming of Immanuel fulfills centuries of prophecy, showing that God is faithful to His word. Immanuel reminds us that God’s promises to never leave nor forsake His people (Deuteronomy 31:6) are not just words but a living reality through Christ. 🌐 Register for our Live Zoom Webinar: 🔔 Stay connected with us on our journey of faith: 📺 Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: 🌐 Visit our Website: 📘 Follow our Facebook page: 📸 Follow us on Instagram: God Bless You, Happy Sabbath & Have a Great Week! SUBSCRIBE to Palo Alto Adventist Church of Seventh-day Adventists on YouTube.

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