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"Grace Triumphs Over Sin" | Romans 5:17-21 NKJV

"Grace Triumphs Over Sin" | Romans 5:17-21 NKJV

Scripture Reading Romans 5:17-21 NKJV Sermon Title "Grace Triumphs Over Sin" Greetings Beloved Congregation and Friends of Palo Alto Adventist Church, The grace of God manifests in various ways, which is why we sometimes describe it as the grace of pardon, the grace of deliverance, and the grace of obedience. When we accept these different expressions of grace, they begin to transform us. Marvelous grace is not passive—it should change us. No matter how often we stumble or fall, God's grace remains constant, patiently working in our hearts, drawing us toward greater obedience. It’s through grace, not anger or judgment, that transformation happens. We overcome our mistakes and sins when we allow grace to steadily, yet powerfully, shape our lives. May the Lord guide us all in this journey of grace. 🌐 Register for our Live Zoom Webinar: 🔔 Stay connected with us on our journey of faith: 📺 Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: 🌐 Visit our Website: 📘 Follow our Facebook page: 📸 Follow us on Instagram: God Bless You, Happy Sabbath & Have a Great Week! SUBSCRIBE to Palo Alto Adventist Church of Seventh-day Adventists on YouTube. Thank You for your continued support. Help us continue our mission to create meaningful media. You can donate today by using the link below and at the top specify if it’s a “one-time donation” or “recurring donation” and then below in the box next to “Media Ministries” put the amount you’d like to donate: SUBSCRIBE to Palo Alto Adventist Church of Seventh-day Adventists on YouTube
"One Altar and One Sacrifice" | Elder Head Alex Clerk

"One Altar and One Sacrifice" | Elder Head Alex Clerk

Scripture Reading Hebrews 13:10 & 10:12-13 NKJV Sermon Title "One Altar and One Sacrifice" Greetings Beloved Congregation and Friends of Palo Alto Adventist Church, “We have an altar from which those who serve the tabernacle have no right to eat.” Hebrews 13:10 NKJV “But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God, from that time waiting till His enemies are made His footstool.” Hebrews 10:12-13 NKJV After one sacrifice which was total and sufficient we are offered freedom from the consequences of sin and given the certainty that we are secure in Christ. As we live out our faith, we can hold fast to this truth: Jesus has done it all. The emblems we are about to receive are a reminder there is only one alter which is that WONDROUS CROSS and one sacrifice that is CHRIST OUR LORD making the grade. Oh how blessed we are that this one alter and one sacrifice came our way. Praise be to God. 🌐 Register for our Live Zoom Webinar: 🔔 Stay connected with us on our journey of faith: 📺 Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: 🌐 Visit our Website: 📘 Follow our Facebook page: 📸 Follow us on Instagram: God Bless You, Happy Sabbath & Have a Great Week! SUBSCRIBE to Palo Alto Adventist Church of Seventh-day Adventists on YouTube.
"Forbidden Fruit" | Elder Bert Williams

"Forbidden Fruit" | Elder Bert Williams

Scripture Reading Genesis 3:5-9 Sermon Title "Forbidden Fruit" Greetings Beloved Congregation and Friends of Palo Alto Church, This week, we are once again blessed to have Elder Bert Williams as our speaker, presenting his sermon titled “Forbidden Fruit”  Here is a summary of his message:  Adam and Eve were desperate. After what they had done, they could not face God. These two human beings were the absolute pinnacle of God's creation on planet Earth. They were brilliant, spectacular human beings--with greater physical skills than Steph Curry or Caitlin Clark; with greater intellect than that of Albert Einstein or Alan Turing; more creative than Leonardo Davinci or Bob Dylan. And now, here they were, these two, trying to hide from God behind a tree. Like others before them--including Lucifer and many heavenly angels--Adam and Eve had sinned. They had crossed over to the dark side. It had happened yet again. The best of God's creation had turned against Him again. Was there--is there--a design flaw in God's creative process? Is the creativity lodged in the minds of God's sentient, intelligent creations always to lead to this? On the very day that God found Adam and Eve hiding from Him, He made a promise that we continue to cling to today. Let us consider the implications.   🌐 Register for our Live Zoom Webinar: 🔔 Stay connected with us on our journey of faith: 📺 Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: 🌐 Visit our Website: 📘 Follow our Facebook page: 📸 Follow us on Instagram: God Bless You, Happy Sabbath & Have a Great Week! SUBSCRIBE to Palo Alto Adventist Church of Seventh-day Adventists on YouTube.
"The Strange Act of GOD" | Head Elder Alex Clerk

"The Strange Act of GOD" | Head Elder Alex Clerk

Scripture Reading Isaiah 28:21 NKJV Sermon Title "The Strange Act of GOD" Sermon Summary When we speak of God, we often focus on His love, grace, mercy, and kindness. These are essential attributes of God, and they give us hope and security in our faith. But what do we do with the other parts of Scripture that talk about God’s judgment, anger, and the reality of hell fire? How do we reconcile the concept of a loving God with the existence of hell—a place of eternal separation from God’s presence? Isaiah 28:21 presents a striking picture of God as both loving and just. It refers to God’s judgment as His “unusual” or “strange” act. This suggests that while God is indeed loving, there is another side to His nature that involves righteous judgment against sin. This week, we will explore how God’s love and justice work together, and how hell fire fits into His divine plan. Join Us Every Sabbath 🌐 Join us in the spirit of togetherness! Register for our Live Zoom Webinar: 🔔 Stay connected with us on our journey of faith: 📺 Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: 🌐 Visit our Website: 📘 Follow our Facebook page: 📸 Follow us on Instagram: God Bless You, Happy Sabbath & Have a Great Week! SUBSCRIBE to Palo Alto Adventist Church of Seventh-day Adventists on YouTube. ● Website:
One Thing is Needed | Head Elder Alex Clerk

One Thing is Needed | Head Elder Alex Clerk

Scripture Reading Luke 10:38-42 NKJV Sermon Title "One Thing is Needed" Sermon Summary This Sabbath we have the story of a Generous Woman whose generosity supposedly went unnoticed. This story from Luke 10:38-42 is one of the most familiar and beloved in the Gospels, but it’s more than just a story about two sisters with different personalities. It's about priorities, distractions, and what it truly means to follow Jesus. It’s a story that confronts us with a fundamental question: In the midst of all our busyness, are we choosing what matters most? The story of Martha and Mary teaches us about priorities in our spiritual lives. While Martha was busy serving Jesus, her sister Mary chose to sit at His feet and listen to Him. This passage challenges us to examine our own lives: Are we too caught up in busyness and distractions, even in good things, that we miss the opportunity to truly connect with Jesus? The key message is that, amidst the demands of life, we must remember that only one thing is truly necessary—spending time with Jesus, Our God. Join Us Every Sabbath 🌐 Join us in the spirit of togetherness! Register for our Live Zoom Webinar: 🔔 Stay connected with us on our journey of faith: 📺 Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: 🌐 Visit our Website: 📘 Follow our Facebook page: 📸 Follow us on Instagram: God Bless You, Happy Sabbath & Have a Great Week! SUBSCRIBE to Palo Alto Adventist Church of Seventh-day Adventists on YouTube. ● Website: Thank You for your continued support. Help us continue our mission to create meaningful media. You can donate today by using the link below and at the top specify if it’s a “one-time donation” or “recurring donation” and then below in the box next to “Media Ministries” put the amount you’d like to donate: SUBSCRIBE to Palo Alto Adventist Church of Seventh-day Adventists on YouTube.
"You are free to eat from any tree . . . but . . ." | Elder Bert Williams

"You are free to eat from any tree . . . but . . ." | Elder Bert Williams

Scripture Reading Genesis 2:7, 15-17 Sermon Title "You are free to eat from any tree . . . but . . ." Introduction Greetings beloved congregation and friends of Palo Alto Church, Welcome to our church family! We are delighted to have you join us for worship this Sabbath. Whether you are a long-time member or a first-time visitor, we hope that you will find peace, inspiration, spiritual growth, warmth, and an inclusive community where all are valued and accepted in our midst. Elder Bert William's Summary “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden,” said God. The next thing He said was “but.” Why? Why the “but”? Why the seemingly needless exception? And why, for such a simple transgression, was there such an incalculable, infinite cost? With such questions, final answers are unlikely. But we shall consider. Join Us Every Sabbath 🌐 Join us in the spirit of togetherness! Register for our Live Zoom Webinar: 🔔 Stay connected with us on our journey of faith: 📺 Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: 🌐 Visit our Website: 📘 Follow our Facebook page: 📸 Follow us on Instagram: God Bless You, Happy Sabbath & Have a Great Week! SUBSCRIBE to Palo Alto Adventist Church of Seventh-day Adventists on YouTube. ● Website: Thank You for your continued support. Help us continue our mission to create meaningful media. You can donate today by using the link below and at the top specify if it’s a “one-time donation” or “recurring donation” and then below in the box next to “Media Ministries” put the amount you’d like to donate: SUBSCRIBE to Palo Alto Adventist Church of Seventh-day Adventists on YouTube.
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